07: Search for regularities

Learning with camera phones

Fumitoshi Kato (Keio University)

Home > 07: Search for regularities

Search for regularities

Everyday life that we try to understand is complex and unpredictable. And, in the sense that every attempt to conduct field research is a unique occasion, one’s experience of fieldwork cannot be reproduced. At the same time, within the process of research, we discover that our everyday life is unexpectedly well organized. This practice is to recognize the variations of regularities and patterns that are easily observable in our day-to-day encounters.

Go out to the field and take a picture from any of the following points of view:

Record time and location of the research site as well.

  1. Equally spaced assignments/arrangements
  2. Symmetrical designs
  3. Combination of standard sizes and shapes
  4. Repeated patterns
  5. Changes based on rules


Reflect upon the ways in which our day-to-day behavior and various regularities are related. Consider various relationships such as, how different objects relate to one another, how we use the objects, as well as how we communicate via objects in between.

For inquiries please contact:

Fumitoshi Kato
Keio University • Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
5322 Endo Fujisawa, Kanagawa 252-0882 Japan
fk [at] sfc.keio.ac.jp